
陳俏汐 CHEN Qiao Xi


QIAOXI CHEN (b. 1989, China)



09/2014-07/2016 皇家藝術學院,  版畫系,碩士

Royal College of Art, Printmaking, Master

09/2008-07/2012     中央美術學院,版畫系,本科

China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Printmaking, Bachelor

09/2004—07/2008     中央美術學院附屬中等美術學校

Fine Arts School Affiliated to

China Central Academy of Fine Arts, High School



2015         Tom Bendhem Prize, Royal College ofArt

汤姆·本德汉姆绘画奖, 英国皇家艺术学院

2015         The Pastel Society Young ArtistAward


2012             杰出毕业生作品奖,中央美术学院美术馆馆藏Excellent Student Works of the Graduate Year, collected byCAFAMuseum

2010         国家三等奖学金

The Third Class Scholarship Recipient

2009         年度优秀学生作品奖

Excellent Student Works of the Year

2009         优秀饿社会工作奖,

Social Contribution Award

2008         国家三等奖学金

The Third Class Scholarship Recipient


Selected Exhibitions

2017  灰度,十方藝術空間,臺北

Penumbra, GALERIE OVO, Taipei

2017  进化论纸本展,空间站798,北京

Theory of evolution, Space Station, Beijing

2016 皇家艺术协会夏季展,英国皇家艺术协会主展厅,伦敦

Summer Exhibition 2016, Royal Academy of Art, London, UK

2016 英国皇家艺术学院毕业展,英国皇家艺术学院

Degree Show,Royal College of Art, London,UK

 2016 比弗集合,伦敦加斯作画廊,伦敦

Beaver Collective, Gasworks Gallery, London, UK

 2016 艺术家书展,英国泰特美术馆,伦敦

Off Print, Tate Modern, London, UK

2016    RCA的秘密,英国皇家艺术学院,伦敦

RCA Secret 2016, Upper Gulbenkian Gallery, London, Uk

2016     RCA的秘密,英国皇家艺术学院,迪拜

RCA Secret 2016, Art Dubai, MadinatJumeirah, Dubai, U.A.E.

2016    展示,咖啡画廊,伦敦

Display CGP London/Café Gallery, London, Uk

2016     F-ing,霍克尼画廊,英国皇家艺术学院,伦敦

F-ling, Hockney Gallery, London

2015     开拓向西邀请展,切尔滕纳姆博物馆,英国威尔逊

The Open West, The Wilson, Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum,UK

2015       跳出思维,咖啡画廊,伦敦

“BOXED OUT”, Café Gallery Show, Café Gallery,London

2015      RCA的秘密,英国皇家艺术学院,伦敦

RCA Secret, Dyson Gallery, Royal College ofArt 2015

2015       中期展,英国皇家艺术学院,伦敦

Work-in-Progress Show, Royal College of Art, London, UK

2015       粉笔画艺术协会年度展,玛尔画廊,伦敦

The Pastel Society Annual Exhibition, Mall Galleries, London

2014     季度学术展,戴森画廊,伦敦

Printmaking Department Open Show, Dyson Gallery, Royal College of Art

2013     围村盆菜群展,空的空间,北京

“Wei Cun Pan Cai”, Kong Gallery, Beijing, China,Beijing

2012     中央美术学院毕业展,中央美术学院五号楼主展厅,北京

Graduation Exhibition, School of fine art, Central Academy of FineArts,Beijing

2011     “显像之境”全国艺术高校丝网版画展览,中央美术学院美术馆,北京

The Image Realm, Silkscreen Prints Exhibition of National Universities, CAFA Art Museum

2011       季度优秀学生作品展,中央美术学院,北京

Excellent Student Works of the Printmaking Department,Beijing


Spring Exhibition of Life Painting/Sketching Works, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing

2009      年度优秀学生作品展,中央美术学院,北京

Excellent Student Works of the Year, Central Academy of Fine Arts,Beijing

2008     年度优秀学生作品展,中央美术学院,北京

Excellent Student Works of the Year, Central Academy of Fine Arts,Beijin
