Elvis Chen 陳湛鉉
第三屆鴻梅新人獎 視覺創作組得獎者
1993年出生於台灣。從對藝術家的職業不感興趣到篤信創作為一生最高志願。摸索藝術創作的過程中,關注過情感表現、純粹形式的語彙,以及觀念性。2015 年開始以「表格階段」的創作為碩士學位的研究,開啟對理性與感性的作用關係與「資訊」意義的討論。表格階段創作的範圍廣泛:將客觀的定義透過主觀理解後再定義,前後的落差產生新的興味;對歷史上保留的表格文件再次描繪,把許多不合時宜的分類顯影;更討論資訊爆炸時代,文字與意義分離的現象。符號所代表的與它們被簡化後的不明確及不真實性都呼應主體與身分意識的質疑。與其說資訊在創作中為主角,陳語軒認為透過討論資訊使得「身份」與「人」之間的議題建立起更清晰的關聯。
Chen Zhanxuan (Original: Yu Xuan)
Winner of the 3rd Hongmei Newcomer Award, Visual Creation Category
Born in Taiwan in 1993. In 2015, I started to create the “table phase” as the object of creation. Started in Taiwan in 2015. In 2015, we started with the “table phase”. His creation is a master’s degree study, which opens a discussion on the relationship between intelligence and emotion and the meaning of “information”. Re-depict the forms and documents preserved in history, many untimely personalizations of the times; the explosion of news and information, and the emotions that you want to express. Questioning the consciousness of identity. With the same saying that information is the protagonist in the creation, by discussing the topic of information “identity” and “person”, Chen Qi updates the relationship.