Related Exhibition
【Fer de ferme】Solo Exhibition by Pirre BoriePierre Borie
來自法國農場的藝術家Pierre Borie,永續利用農場廢棄鐵件,還原最真實的田園風情。
Pierre Borrie從小時候開始,就一直熱愛畫畫和用雙手創造事物。在大約在13或14歲時,開始與父親一起在家族農場上進行焊接工作,也因此開始使用農場上各種鐵件做許多事情,而成功的程度各有不同。他從2011年開始製作鐵件雕塑。起初是些非常簡單的作品,但隨著時間的推移,其技術也變得越發熟練。
2021年,Pierre Borie接手了父親的家族農場。在法國,他根本不符合藝術家的形象。在法國的觀念中,有著口吃又如同橄欖球運動員般的農夫不會被視為藝術家。而對他來說,反而成為了一個追求卓越的動力。
Artist Pierre Borie, hailing from a farm in France, usessustainable methods to repurpose discarded farm metal pieces, restoring the most authentic rural charm.
Since I was a child, I have always loved drawing and creating things with my hands. I started welding at the age of 13 or 14 with my father on the family farm, and then I began to do many things with various pieces of iron available on the farm, with varying degrees of success.It was in 2011 that I started making iron sculptures. They were simple at the beginning, but as time passed, I became more skilled.I took over the family farm in 2021 at my father’s site.In France, I don’t fit the profile of an artist at all. It’s true that a stuttering rugby-playing farmer can’t be considered an artist in the French mindset… It’s an additional motivation to succeed.