
Kim Koo

Kim Koo是在新澤西州出生和長大的華裔美國視覺藝術家。從年輕時起,角色就成為她的表達媒介,每個角色都傳達了一個個人的章節或情感。透過《沈睡的巨人》,她介紹了一個另類的世界,體現了人們熟悉的對自我的探尋。

Kim Koo is a Chinese-American visual artist born and raised in New Jersey. Characters have served as her medium of expression since a young age, each conveying a personal chapter or emotion. Through Sleepy Giant, she introduces an alternate world embodying the familiar search of self.
Kim spent seven years as a model in New York before working as a toy and graphic designer in Hong Kong and New York. She received her BFA from Parsons School of Design.
